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Knowledge is half the battle

Happy New years from our family to yours. Bringing in the new year, marks the end of the holiday season… for now. The holidays have past but there is still time to prepare before tenants are rushing into your apartments. Are you ready for them to move-in? This is the time for new home owners to be crossing their Ts and dotting their Is.

Having the proper paperwork for tenants can be stressful and time consuming to gather. Lacking the proper leasing procedure can get you into unexpected trouble with the Fair Housing Act. When on-boarding new tenants, it is imperative you cover all your bases or you could suffer major loses, not only to your wallets but to your reputation as a landlord. Deciding who you rent to, should be an objective process that isn’t based on race, gender, religion, family status or any mental or physical impairments.

At, or, they provide you with easily accessible forms, from rental agreements to eviction forms along with numerous other safety documents, that could be of use. Each site offers free documents that can be customized with state specific regulations. They also offer a membership option that provides advanced assistance for new owners, that may not feel confident filling out forms alone.

As property managers, we of M.R. Property management, want to make sure our clients are prepared for anything that may come their way. Running this informative blog comes with hours of research, but your feedback is important and we hope to start a conversation here that further serves our community.

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