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Fair Housing Act

At Mr. Property we promote fair and equal, business, working with individuals from all walks of life. We are dedicated to providing our clients, tenants and partners with an environment that they feel empowered, safe and welcome. The Fair Housing Act is a perfect example of upholding those values for individuals in the housing industry. Enacted in 1968, The Fair Housing Act is a state and federal law that prohibits discrimination in the sale and rental of housing by property owners, landlords, property managers, mortgage lenders, and real estate agents.

Who does it protect?

  •  Race
  • Gender (sex)
  • Color
  • Nationality
  • Source of income
  • Religion
  • Veteran or military status
  • Familial/ marital status
  • Disability

Who has to comply?

  • Property owners
  • Property managers
  • Property maintenance staff
  • Real estate brokers or agents
  • Homeowner/ Condo associations
  • Housing authorities
  • Advertising media

Conducting unfair business based on any of the above listed factors is considered discrimination and is unlawful. Types of discrimination can be refusal to rent, making a property unavailable, setting separate terms that make it difficult or persuade a protected party from applying, Denying repairs, or even printing advertisement that presents potentially discriminatory standards.

Tenants with disabilities

Disabilities come in two forms. Physical disabilities, are those that limit a persons physical functioning, mobility or stamina. They can also be characterized as impairments that limit daily living such as blindness, epilepsy or sleeping disorders. Mental health disabilities, come in many forms and can be difficult to identify. but vary by emotions, personality, substance use or mental capacity. Physical and mental disabilities are equally important and should be treated as such.  As a landlord you may be required to make modifications or accommodations to make the home habitable for your elderly or disabled occupants.



Modifications are structural changes that are made to the property that grant access to otherwise unreachable locations in the home or make the property more safe. Examples of modifications are ramps or safety handles in the shower.


Accommodations are changes to rules, policies, or practices that make the home easily accessible and meet the needs of the occupant. Examples of accommodations are assigning reserved parking, allowing a live in care giver, or if there are rules against pets, allowing an assisstance animal.


Requesting Information

As the home owner you do have the right to request Information to verify a disability. You can request a doctors note, medical professional, peer support group, non-medical service agent, or respected peer that understands the disability. 


Not everyone has to follow the regulations of the Fair Housing Act.  Single family homes rented without the use of a real estate agent, broker or advertising are exempt as long as the owner does not own more than 4 homes. Families with four units or less do not have to comply, if the owner  live on the premises. The advertisement for the home does still have to comply with the Fair housing Act 

Our goal in the real estate industry is to create communities, and provide safe dwellings for those looking for the opportunity to start new lives. We want to promote the fair housing act and provide housing to all in need.

If you have any questions or would like to file a complaint because you believe you have been discriminated against you can contact your local Fair Housing Equal opportunity organization.

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