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Coronavirus got you down?

Staying active, being creative, and turning towards friends and family, have been a critical part of staying positive these past two months. I have seen friends come together and share captivating moments through a video call. I have seen parents remain active around the house by exercising, Families, walking along in the neighborhood, six feet apart, of course! Being home has allowed us to reconnect with our families, whether we bug each other. or not. There are plenty of indoor and outdoor activities that you can participate in, alone or with friends, to maintain a healthy mind and body.


Indoor Activities

Board games: The childhood classics

Arts and crafts: Stay creative and give a loved one a special gift

Science projects (STEM programs): STEM-inspired projects are focused on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The plans you create could introduce the children to new fields of study or help keep your brain sharp if you’re an adult

Bake some sweet treats with the kids getting the family involved in the kitchen makes for a fun time

Yoga and meditation has been shown to improve mindfulness and improve quality of life, by drawing focus inward in a society dominated by social media

Have a dance party: Get the blood pumping and show off your moves

Family Trivia: test your intelligence or common knowledge

Even though you are stuck inside, there are numerous activities at your disposal


Outdoor Activities

Leisurely walks

Hiking: Regular walks or hikes, promote a healthy heart

Bike riding: An efficient way to stay in shape and site see around the city

Nature collections: Rocks, leaves, flowers

Gardening: Spruce up the yard around the house to give the property a fresh look

Parking lot dance-off:  Don’t be shy, show off your best dance moves!

Camping: Perfect for being outside and remaining socially distant


Staying physically fit and staying occupied keeps away those lock down blues


Whether it is indoor or outdoors staying busy can help with Mental, physical, and emotional wellness. If you find yourself with negative thoughts or difficulty coping with the isolation don’t be afraid to reach out to mental health specialists, who are still essential employees, who care for your overall wellness, and can make recommendations for further lifestyle improvements. The process can be as simple as calling your insurance company to identify a provider.

With Mr.Property LLC, you’re investments are our priority, but so are you. Self care is the best care. From our families to yours stay safe and stay positive!

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